Welcome! I am an award-winning poet and musician based in the Midlands, UK. My poetry has been widely published in journals and magazines and I am the author of Microscopia (forthcoming with Pindrop Press, 2024), Night Swan to Nigg (Cromarty Arts Trust, 2022) and The Glass Puddle (Vole, 2021). Originally trained in the visual arts, I hold a 1st class honours degree and MA in Fine Art. I continue to work in mixed-media which enables me to share my poems in new and unusual ways as well as through traditional publishing. For the last 3 years I have been editor of Crowstep Poetry Journal. My coaching work is delivered through The Writing Den, a service dedicated to the voices of women & girls (songwriting/poetry/performance).
​In 2021 I was a commissioned poet for UK City of Culture and shortlisted for Dartington Trust's first poet in residence award by Alice Oswald. In Oct 2022 I was appointed as poet in residence at the University of Warwick, School of Life Sciences, where I have been helping to promote women in science. Work from this residency won the Gloucestershire Poetry Society competition, was shortlisted for the Aesthetica Creative Writing Award, highly commended for the Artemesia Arts Poetry Prize, received an honourable mention in the Dark Poets competition, longlisted for the Heroines Women's Writing Prize and is forthcoming in gorse and Shearsman. A poetry trail which showcases a selection of these poems is due to be permanently displayed across the university campus and beyond in 2025 (funding awarded).
In addition to writing poetry, I have been a songwriter and singer for the band Satsangi for 20 years. We have collaborated with and supported many artists and musicians, have been broadcast on radio (BBC) and TV (MTV), featured in magazines such as Rolling Stone and have travelled internationally to share our music.