Arrtist/curator Tammy Woodrow and I have been awarded a commission for our sculptureand poetry project. We will be working with Philip Parr, artistic director at Parrabbola and co-Director of the York International Shakespeare Festival, to present our work at an exhibition at CORE Gallery, Solihull in January.
"Parrabbola is a storyteller - producing community theatre and plays, festivals and events, incorporating music or dance - and develops creative talent in the UK and Europe"
Microbelles (Micro = small/Belles = French for beautiful). We see this project as an opportunity to develop the themes we have both been working on in a recent arts project with Warwick Medical School and the Wellcome Trust called I:DNA. The work explores our internal environment at cellular level and reimagines our inner physiological landscapes as metaphors for our lost connection with nature.
Tammy and I both graduated from Birmingham School of Art (at different times in our life) and it's really great to be collaborating now in mediums that work so well together. For more info on Tammy's work please visit: