THE world's first cell race took place in 2011! A fascinating bit of info I learned from
Dr Aparna Ratheesh- assistant professor in cell biology at the University of Warwick.
My poem called: 'Notes from a Thirsty Cytolympian' that responds to this research along with 4 other poems, was commissioned by Warwick Institute of Engagement and will be shared as part of a Blackout Poetry Workshop at the University's Resonate Festival of Arts & Culture on 2nd June. Tickets are free but need to be BOOKED...find out which bad boy won! Watch the cell race HERE
RIGHT: Blackout poem Green Mares by Samantha Hill. Original text: Green Submarines from a poem commissioned by WIE.
"My husband and daughter came to the event and both said your poetry session was their favourite activity (and neither of them are your regular poetry types). They took photos of their poems and made me choose the winner!" CP Coventry